Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Terrible Tuesday!

I've been sent some awesome new music lately, some previews some freebies but I've been a bit over worked and by the time I get home from work I seem to have no energy to blog. So tonight I'm gonna make it short and sweet.

The first track I want to share with you is a Big Beat meets Glitch house number by RuN RiOT called Disco Itch.

I did a post on RuN RiOT a few months back. Disco Itch is slightly different to the previously posted tracks. As the name suggest's it's got a bit of a Disco flavour with a glitch that makes ya wanna itch. The intro kinda reminds that of The Phantom's Revenge. All tho, Disco Itch still doesn't detract too much from that defined RuN RiOT style. Keep your eye's peeled for the E.P. Charge due out May 25th, Here's a sample of my favourite tracks from the E.P.

Next up is Mustard Pimp. I might be a bit late on this one tho definately worth the post. They were kind enough to share with me a shit load of their own tracks and remix's, 2 of which I liked most are as follows
See if you can spot the sample from an old dance classic in this choon!

Stereoheroes - Washout (Mustard No Limit Pimp Remix) [Right Click, Save as]
[Alt Link]

Mustard Pimp - Télésiège
[Right Click, Save as]
[Alt Link]


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