Wednesday, August 27, 2008

R.I.P Michael Parsons

A tragic loss of a friend and work colleague Michael Parsons who lost his life in an accident at work on Monday afternoon. Known to friends as "Micko" or "Parso" You will be missed!

To whom I dedicate my remix of Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp as Micko got me hooked on Dizzee Rascal, I feel I would not have made this remix if it wasn't for him, which has given me some recognition of late.

I found this next remix by Ratatat and it really gave the song a different feeling and given the situation, to me, it has significance to this post.
It really brings a tear to my eye when I hear it :(
Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp (Ratatat Remix)

My heart goes out to Jess and their beautifull boy Jackson, his family and friends. My prayers are with you.

R.I.P Michael Parsons!

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